常用表格及操作教學 Forms and operation teaching
★課程 Course
 Course Selection(Chinese) 選課教學(中文版)-NEW.pdf
 Course Selection(English) 選課教學(英文版)-NEW.pdf
 Course Selection (English) 選課教學(英文版)OLD.pdf
 Course Selection (Chinese) 選課教學(中文版)OLD.pdf
Instruction for Printing out the Add/Drop Form 列印加退選單
 Check Student's Personal Course Information 查詢學生個人選課課表.pdf 
 Search Course Information 查詢課程資訊.pdf 
 Search Teacher’s Timetable 查詢老師課表.pdf 
Self-Learning Result Checking 查看自主學習成果
 Upload the license teaching 上傳證照教學.pdf

★系統操作 System Operation
 Apply for leave 請假教學.pdf 
 Change Student’s Basic Information 修改學生基本資料.pdf 
 Teaching assistant sign-in teaching TA簽到教學.pdf 
 Teaching mentor time register 導師時間紀錄手冊教學.pdf 
 Upload Bank Account into school system 上傳銀行帳戶至系統.pdf 
 Student Vehicle Pass Application 學生汽機車通行證申請.pdf
 Check the graduation threshold manual (International students) 檢核畢業門檻手冊(境外生).pdf
 Check the graduation threshold manual (local students) 檢核畢業門檻手冊(本國生).pdf
The teaching for fill out the lecture feedback in the system系統填寫演講回饋教學.pdf

★表格 Form

 Major Conference Leave Form 重大會議請假單.pdf
Student Counseling Record of IB 國企學程學生輔導記錄表.pdf